Sunday 1 January 2012

BC0032 Communication Skills Model Question Paper (MQP)

Model Question Paper

Subject Code: BC0032

Subject Name: Communication Skills in English

Credits: 4 Marks: 140

Part A (One mark questions)

1. The first model of communication is said to have developed by ___

A. Plato

B. Aristotle

C. Ptolemy

D. Steiner

2. According to Hoben, “ _____is the verbal interchange of thought or idea.”

A. Concept

B. Writing skills

C. Communication

D. Oral Skills

3. Chester I Bernard observed that ________ linkedpeople together in an organization to

achieve a common purpose

A. communication

B. only documents

C. Friendship

D. gossip

4. A group of words that makes a complete sense orgives complete meaning is called a ____.

A. clause

B. phrase

C. principal clause

D. sentence

5. The English ___ won the world cup.

A. is

B. has

C. have

D. are

6. Identify the type of sentence, “The police caught the criminals who looted the mall.”

A.Simple sentence

B. Compound sentence

C. Complex sentence

D. Passive sentence

7 “The ants fought the wasps” is an example of ___sentence.

A. simple

B. compound

C. complex

D. subordinate

8. “Somebody ___(Play) the drums” . The simple past form of the word ‘play’ to fill the blank is


A. played

B. was playing

C. had played

D. had been playing

9. Susan made upher mind to speak to me. The meaning of the phrase“made up” in the given

sentence is___

A. mixed

B. decided

C. thought

D. contemplate

10. During an oral presentation, ___ is the stage where you tell the audience, the aim of your


A. Background

B. Introduction

C. Conclusion

D. Question session

11. Speaking to a group of people in an official gathering is called as ____.

A. Oral presentation

B. Meeting

C. Visual presentation

D. Audio presentation

12. OHP means ______.

A. On Head Projector

B. On Hand Projection

C. Over Head Projector

D. Over Hand Projection

13. In an oral presentation, the listeners can clarify their doubts in the ____session .

A. introduction

B. description of methods and results

C. conclusions, suggestions and summary

D. audience questions

14. ____ listening is also called as critical listening.

A. Therapeutic

B. Discriminative

C. Empathetic

D. Evaluative

15. Listening is an ___ process.

A. Active

B. Passive

C. Inactive

D. None of the above

16. A listener is concentrating on the appearance and delivery style of the speaker instead of

the subject. In this case, the barrier to listeningis______________.

A. jumping to conclusions

B. pre-judging subject

C. gathering only facts

D. Wrong focus

17 Reading for the information on the background ofthe organization where one is working is

called ______.

A. Internal Information

B. External Information

C. Intra information

D. Action information

18. Looking quickly over a book to get a superficial idea of the content is called as _______.

A. Intensive Reading

B. Extensive Reading

C. Skimming

D. Scanning

19. In a business letter, _____ indicates to the reader of the letter, what the letter is about.

A. head

B. date

C. subject

D. reference

20. Linking words or phrases together so that the whole text is clear and readable is called


A. Cohesion

B. Conversion

C. Compulsion

D. Conviction

21. While mentioning the previous job experience in a Resume, you should follow the ____


A. haphazard

B. the most important job first

C. chronological

D. reverse chronological

22. The name and address of the person you are writing to in a formal letter comes in ___ part

of the letter.

A. margin

B. heading

C. salutation

D. body

23. The document that is used to communicate within the organization is called _____.

A. letter

B. memo

C. e-mail

D. telex

24. In a report, an _____ would briefly highlight the objective of the project and the findings in a


A. introduction

B. abstract

C. body

D. conclusion

25. _____ mentions the allegation against the staff concerned and asks for a written

explanation within a specified time

A. show cause notice

B. memo

C. circular

D. telegram

26. Usually the memos are written in ___ space in between the lines.

A. single

B. double

C. no space

D. no restrictions

27. The Press Release is usually written in _____ style.

A. First person

B. Second person

C. Third person

D. Active voice

28. Reading comprehension means ____ a written text.

A. re-writing

B. understanding

C. guessing

D. summarizing

29. Gathering only facts, without trying to understand the content, while listening is ___.

A. Strategy of effective oral communication

B. Barrier to effective oral communication

C. Strategy of effective listening skill

D. Barrier to effective listening skill

30. Different types of letters used for printing are called ____

A. fonts

B. styles

C. punctuations

D. layouts

31. Identify the disadvantage of oral communication.

A. immediate feedback is possible

B. listener’s reaction is observed

C. a considerable amount of money and time is spent

D. speaking to friends becomes easy

32. Give appropriate question tag for the following sentence.

The most important change is that of distance, ________?

A. isn’t it ?

B. hasn’t it ?

C. doesn’t it?

D. haven’t it?

33. Communication helps establish and _____ the goals of an organization.

A. disturb

B. distinguish

C. disperse

D. disseminate

34. _______ refers to the list of points that needs to be discussed at a meeting.

A. minutes

B. agenda

C. circular

D. notice

35. If you clearly understand the difference between two homophonic words, then you are

successful as a _____ listener.

A. Discriminative

B. Comprehensive

C. Appreciative

D. Empathetic

36. If you want to show and teach the complicated inner parts of a computer, the best

presentation method you could adopt is ____.

A. focus attention

B. white board

C. flip charts

D. overlays

37. _____ is an example of primary auxiliary

A. was

B. can

C. went

D. ought

38. Our way of reading is influenced by the _____ of our reading.

A. style

B. purpose

C. outcome

D. tone

39. ______ is the standardized tool used to handle customer complaints





40. Convert the sentence, Hari sits to eat his midday meal, into present perfect tense.

A. Hari sits to eat his midday meal

B. Hari is sitting to eat his midday meal

C. Hari has sat to eat his midday meal

D. Hari has been sitting to eat his midday meal

Part B (Two mark questions)

41. The purpose of Communication in an organization is to,

i) Help establish and disseminate the goals of an organization.

ii) Facilitate control and evaluation of performance.

A. Both i and ii are true

B. Both i and ii are false

C. Only i is true

D. Only ii is true

42. A sentence must contain a ___ and usually a ____.

A. verb and subject

B. noun and pronoun

C. verb and adverb

D. article and predicate

43. Identify the tense of the following sentences

i) We have been greeting many people in our day to day life

ii) We met many physicists.

A. i) Present perfect; ii) Simple present

B. i) Present continuous ii) Simple past

C. i) Present Perfect Continuous ii) Simple Past

D. i) Past continuous ii) Present perfect

44. A simple sentence has___ and ____.

A. subject and predicate

B. subject and subordinate clause

C. main clause and subordinate clause

D. subject and main clause

45. The sentences which have transitive verbs can be changed from ___ to ___voice.

A. direct to indirect

B. active to passive

C. simple to complex

D. co mplex to compound

46. The advantages of oral communication are:

i) immediate response is possible.

ii) time is not saved always.

iii) the listener’s reaction can be observed by the speaker.

A. only i and ii are true

B. only i and iii are true

C. only ii and iii are true

D. all i, ii, and iii are true

47. While making slides with only text,_____or ______ on blue is pleasant to look at and easy

to read

A. red or green

B. black or magenta

C. white or yellow

D. orange or pink

48. ____ is an active process; whereas ___ is a passive process.

A. Hearing ; Listening

B. Listening ; Hearing

C. Reading ; Writing

D. Writing ; Reading

49. Match the business publications to extracts

i) Monthly news letter

ii) A company brochure

a) To enhance the training skills and for professional development, international diploma

program was offered to SMU DDE faculty at Manipal in association with City & Guilds,


b) Stephen R. Covey is an internationally respectedleadership authority, family expert,

teacher, organizational consultant, founder of the former Covey Leadership Centre and

vice chairman of Franklin Covey Co.

c) Increasing lifestyle illnesses and growing customer awareness about health has led to a

demand for a plan that covers not only hospitalization expenses but also provides for

other medical expenses. There is also an increasing need for a health plan that offers

us a flexibility in premium amount.

A. i) – a ii) – c

B. i) – a ii) – b

C. i) – b ii) – a

D. i) – b ii) – c

50. While taking down notes, a lot of efforts can be saved by using ___ and ___.

A. letters and numbers

B. alphabets and numerals

C. abbreviations and symbols

D. typing and tape recorder

51. The two styles of drafting a letter are ___ and ___.

A. straight and unblocked

B. blocked and straight

C. unblocked and semi blocked

D. blocked and semi blocked

52. While composing a telegraphic message (telegram), only ___ and ____ are used.

A. key words and phrases

B. articles and nouns

C. prepositions and conjunctions

D. clauses and phrases

53. While taking down notes, a lot of efforts can be saved by using ___ and ___.

A. letters and numbers

B. alphabets and numerals

C. abbreviations and symbols

D. typing and tape recorder

54. While writing a business letter, it has to be ___ and ___

A. concise and direct

B. elaborate and passive

C. concise and verbose

D. brief and indirect

55. While composing a telegraphic message (telegram), only ___ and ____ are used.

A. key words and phrases

B. articles and nouns

C. prepositions and conjunctions

D. clauses and phrases

56. _____is usually an announcement sheet that is sent to specific groups of people ; whereas

____,, depending on the information that is to be conveyed, could be for employees alone or for

the general public.

A. memo; warning

B. show cause notice; memo

C. notice; circular

D. circular ; notice

57. Scan the radio programme and answer the questions that follow

BBC World service CNN Channel

7:10 am Play of the Week: Damaged Goods 10:30 am World News

8:00 am News Desk 11:00 am World Business Report

8:30 am Men by women 12:15 pm World News

9:00 am The Best of the British Pop 12:45 pm SeeingStars

i. When can you see the programme “Seeing Stars” on CNN ? .

a) 8.30 am

b) 12.45 pm


d) 11 am

ii. Which programme would you watch to listen to Western music?

a) The Best of British Pop

b) Men by Women

c) Damaged Goods

d) Seeing Stars

A. i-a; ii-b

B. i-b; ii-a

C. i-c; ii-d

D. i-d; ii-c

58. Identify the TRUE sentences regarding to telephonic conversation

i) One cannot rely on extra-linguistic expressions to add meaning to the words spoken.

ii) One can be explicit because one speaks under the pressure of time.

iii) More emphasis is put on the modulation of voice or tone in telephonic conversation

A. Only i and ii are true

B. Only ii and iii are true

C. Only i and iii are true

D. All I, ii and iii are true

59. The person who transmits messages is called ____ or ____.

A. Sender or transmitter

B. Encoder or decoder

C. Encoder or channel

D. Transmitter or decoder

60. The word ‘dialogue’ has come from two words, ‘dia’, means ____ and ‘logos’ means ____

A. to; people

B. through; words

C. two; words

D. two; to